Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Kindergarden Graduation and 3rd Grade Awards

Makenzie recieved two awards one was for A and B honor roll and I honestly have no idea what the other award was. Dad and I were talking about how proud we were of her. Giving her two thumbs up and waving, while trying to take pictures! She did an awesome job this year. AND SHE PASSED THE FLORIDA FCAT, so it's on to 4th grade!!

She is such a sweetie! I am looking forward to spending more time with her this summer and as we endevour into homeschooling again!

This cute little girl, LOVES Francesco!! When ever I have lunch with him at school she is always begging him to pick her to join us at our private table, but he always chooses his "Bro" or buddy Carlos. After graduation I was taking pictures of him and his buddies and she stood close by waiting for her turn. He may wish he had given her more attention one day!

Francesco was chosen for the Soaring Eagle Award, which is given to only one student in each class for academics, he also recieved the P.E. award. One student is chosen by the coach in each class. He has said over and over that Tuesdays are his favorite day beacuse he goes to P.E. with Coach. Coach is an awesome guy and all the kids love him!

Last year when he was the baby of the family his graduation from pre-school was hard for me. This year he's no longer the baby. And he is sooo grown up and excited about being a first grader that I couldn't be sad. I was all smiles for him that day. However, later in the week when he told me he was no longer into Thomas the train and I realized it had been months since I tripped over trains and tracks I began to tear up. Having train tracks all over the living room would often be a bother and I would have to tell myself that one day he will no longer be into them and I will miss stepping on and over them. I couldn't believe that the day had come. How quickly they grow up. One day having mom eat lunch with you (even if she brings McDonald's) will no longer be cool. And he won't ask me to sleep in his bed with him. I dred those days, so for as long as he'll let me I'll meet him for lunch and snuggle him with Eskimo Kisses (same goes for his sisters)!