Sunday, February 22, 2009

Baby BOY for Julia!

Our niece, Julia had a baby Boy, Trent on Feb.20. Marcello's parents are now GREAT-Granparents!! It will be sometime before we meet him in person as we are not anticipating a trip to Michigan any time soon.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I passed my 3 hour glucose test! Marcello is having slow but steady success with the Chiropracter! We are counting down to D-day! I will have a c-section April 14 unless I can convince the doc to due it a week earlier when the kids are on spring break! My courses at UWF are going well, I made the dean's list last semester, GO ME! Now I'm in the classroom a few days a week and will be teaching 3 lessons this semster, and am feeling a bit nervous about that. I can not wait for the day I have my own class! Makenzie and Francesco are doing good. Francesco's midterm put him at an accelerated level at all categories tested. Makenzie did not bring home a midterm (I'll have to look into that). She got C's on her report card a month ago. School is a challenge even with ESE reading and math. She takes FCATs in 10 days, she is quite nervous. They put the fear of God into these poor kids about passing FCATs. She told me today, "FCATs are in 10 days, then 9 days, then 8 days, then......If you don't pass they'll come back to slap you in your face!" I was like, okay!!! Marcello just got the highest score on a test, 110% with the extra credit. I believe he is at the top of his class with an overal 94% or 96% so far for the year. He is almost done with his second year at his electrical trade school ... two more years to go. That's an update on us! Oh, I'm getting a cd with pictures of Makayla's sonogram this Monday so hopefully I can get them posted on here!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Buscemi Update

Marcello is having some success at the chiropractor for his pain. The doctor believes he lost the natural curve in his upper spine when he fell and brooke his jaw 13 years ago. This caused the spurring and the narrowing of the space around his nerves in the left shoulder. He has been in for 3 adjustments and each time he is getting more relief. The doctor said he should have a good outcome and doesn't see surgery in the future.
As for my 3 hour glucose test....I am waiting for the results (probably Monday). I ate well for a week and so now we'll have to wait and see.

Makenzie's 9th Birthday

Makenzie had a small slumber party for her 9th Birthday. As sleep overs go...they only slept for about 5 hrs from 1:30 am to 6:30 am. After pancakes and hot coco we headed up to Kids Star for hours of arcade games, Star mountain fun and pizza. Marcello and I got a good 2 hour nap after they were all picked up. Francesco is already planning his b-day party for October.