Sunday, October 26, 2008

Francesco's Baptism

Francesco had decided to be baptized a couple of months ago and today was the big day. This is the only picture I got just before we went under. I had a video camera in one hand and the camera in the other. Marcello got there just in time to see him be baptized - Francesco left his backpack with his change of clothes at the house, so it was daddy to the rescue. I had just gone in the backroom to tell them we'd have to post pone this till next time- there was No Way I was going to let Marcello miss this moment. He got there just in the nick of time. Six people were baptized and one guy went forward at the end of the service for salvation. It was a tearful morning for this pregnant mama!
When Marcello asked Makenzie when she was going to be baptized she responded that she needed to wear her ear pluggs and goggles. I can picture her up there with her goggles -whenever she's ready.
Later that afternoon Francesco raced for the first time in the six year old division. He placed 3rd, 2nd, 3rd! Those boys are tough-but Francesco will overtake them in time. Marcello got 3- 3rd places. He missed 2nd place in the last race by about 2inches. It was an exciting race! Marcello was in motto 16 and Francesco was in motto 17 so there was no time for Marcello to race and then get to the top of the starting hill to hold Francesco's back tire at the gate. So I had to Climb the hill 3 times to do it - I think I was more exhausted then they were racing!

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