Saturday, May 3, 2008

Our BMX Racer!

Francesco raced his butt off at the track and loved every minute of it!
These hills are huge!! You better believe he fell right to sleep that night!

"Pedal! Pedal! Pedal!"

"Don't look back! They're gaining on You!"

Way to go, Chech! He got 2 trophies that night. One of them was almost as big as him!


Mona said...

We would love to watch Francesco race! What fun!!! Let us know when and where! Love the pics, what a champ!

Tina said...
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Tina said...

You can find him at the Charlotte BMX track every Sunday 4-8 and wed. 6-8.
Come out there for Mother's Day and get a good laugh as I join the other "brave" mothers and get out on the track!