Monday, November 10, 2008

Heart Beat!

The kids went with me to my dr's appiontment last week. Makenzie held my hand while the nurse took my blood pressure (she hates that thing). And she held my hand while the nurse put the cold gel and microphone on my belly so we could hear the heart beat. Makenzie says it sounded like a steam locamotive. Francesco was less interested; he wanted to know what was in the biohazard trash can, what the long q-tips and other unmentionables on the table were used for, and although grossed out that mommy had to tinkle in a cup he still wanted to see it. My children will never look at a dixie cup the same way again! I go back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound-the kids are coming along but Marcello will have to miss this one because he'll be working. Hopefully, we'll find out if it's a girl or a boy this time.

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