Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Here we go into 2009! I don't plan on making any New Year's resolutions, because I never stick to them. However, I do plan to loose about 20 lbs in April! It looks like the ENORMOUS stage is beginning. I have gained 20 lbs and I know that I will be gaining more and retaining water soon -looks like another 50-60 lb pregnancy for me. I have had atleast 8 people ask me if I am having twins. I met a girl the other day who was expecting (knowing that I was bigger in the belly then she was I figured I was due atleast a month or two ahead of her) and I asked her when she was due. "Next month!" she said. I couldn't believe it, no wonder they think I'm having twins - it'll look like triplets before I'm through!
Marcello thinks the baby will be another 9 pounder like Makenzie! Oh, have I mentioned the baby has a name . . . Makayla! My doctor likes to taunt me though. . . last visit he said the heartbeat sounded like a boy by one beat. He's a real character! Marcello does a good impression of him, especially when he's all gowned up for delivery!

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