Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Thes. 5:18

Marcello has been suffering with a great deal of pain in his left arm since Christmas! The doctor I work for has had him on pain meds -while we contimplated how we would make ends meat with me quitting my job in just a few months and him having an expensive surgery with no Ins. on his rotator cuff and being out of work for recovery for months. I have to say I am learning not to stress and just pray. Of course my first instinct is to stress - like when he called me at work a week ago and said he just pulled out his back and didn't know if he could even drive himself home. Thank God, Candy (a massage therapist) came over to the house at 9pm that night and relieved his back -no doubt his muscles were overcompinsating.
To make this short I think God has answered my prayers (and everyone else's) because just as I got a script from the doctor to have the MRI he asked me a few ?s and said never mind with the MRI it could be coming from the neck. Marcello had an x-ray (which was $600 cheaper) done on his neck and we are praying that what ever it shows does not require any sort of surgery but can be worked out with a chiropractor. What ever will be God knows what He's doing and in the midst of these trials "Why Worry When You Can Pray"! Thanks for the prayers!
I Thes. 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

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